Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Nathaniel Hawthorne essays

Nathaniel Hawthorne essays In the novel, The House of the Seven Gables, Nathaniel Hawthorne uses several devices to describe Judge Pyncheon. Hawthorne gives a thorough profile on the Judge's character with the use of tone, point of Hawthorne's use of tone highlights Pyncheon's devoted character who had "the faithfulness of his public services in subsequent capacities." Yet, his mood slowly began to change to point out some of Pyncheon's weaker and darker sides. Hawthorne lets the reader visualize that Pyncheon's "proper face was what he beheld in the looking glass," to show that all of his good traits are simply images that are hiding his bad traits. The fragility of the looking-glass appears to be a symbol for the weak Judge. Although a very respected man, the Judge has yet to find respect Hawthorne also uses omniscient third person point of veiw to show the reader both, good and bad sides of Judge Pyncheon. Omniscient point of veiw lets the reader see that the Judge is not who he seems to be. He isn't even the person he thinks he is. Hawthorne allows the reader to acknowledge Pyncheon's "darker traits" and his hidden flaws, yet Pyncheon himself does not realize the evil traits that he possesses. Diction is one device that Hawthorne uses to let the reader see all aspects of the Judge. Pyncheon's "judicial character," "remarkable zeal," "admirably arranged life," or "smile of broad benevolence," are some of the detail descriptions Hawthorne used to bring out the Judge's character. Not only positive points, but Hawthorne uses harsh negativity to portray Pyncheon's "reckless youth" and "hard, cold" image. Every point of Pyncheon's character is given by Hawthorne with his use of tone, point of veiw, and diction. All of these devices gave Hawthorne the ability to show who Judge Pyncheon really was. The vivid use of words ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Special Feeding Adaptations of the Seahorse

Special Feeding Adaptations of the Seahorse The seahorse is one of 54 different species of fish in the marine genus Hippocampus- a word that comes from the Greek word for horse. Only a small handful of species are commonly seen in tropical and temperate waters of both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. They range in size from tiny, 1/2-inch fish to nearly 14 inches in length. Seahorses are one of the only fish that swim in an upright position  and are the slowest-swimming of all fishes. Seahorses are generally considered to be an evolved form of pipefish.   How Sea Horses Eat Because they swim so slowly, eating can be a challenge for the seahorse. Further complicating things is the fact that a seahorse has no stomach. It needs to eat almost constantly because food quickly passes straight through its digestive system. According to  The Seahorse Trust, an adult seahorse will eat 30 to 50 times per day, while baby  seahorses  eat 3,000 pieces of food per day. Seahorses do not have teeth; they suck in their food and swallow it whole. Thus their prey needs to be very small. Primarily, seahorses feed on plankton, small fish and small crustaceans, such as shrimp and copepods. To compensate for its lack of swimming speed, a seahorses neck is well adapted for catching prey, reports Scientific American. Seahorses ambush their prey by hovering silently nearby, attached to plants or corals and often camouflaged to blend in with their surroundings. Suddenly, the seahorse will tilt its head and slurp in its prey. This movement results in a distinctive sound. Unlike their relatives, the pipefish, seahorses can extend their heads forward, a process that is aided by their curving neck. Although they cant swim as well as pipefish, The seahorse has the ability to stealthily reach out and strike their prey. This means that they can wait for prey to pass by their perch, rather than actively pursuing them- a task that is difficult given their very slow speed. The hunt for prey is also aided by the seahorses eyes, which have evolved to move independently, allowing them an easier search for prey.   Seahorses as Aquarium Specimens What about captive seahorses? Seahorses are popular in the aquarium trade, and there is currently a movement to raise seahorses in captivity to protect the wild population. With coral reefs in danger, the native habitat of the seahorse is also challenged, leading to ethical concerns about harvesting them from the wild for the aquarium trade. Further, captive-bred seahorses seem to thrive better in aquariums than do capture  wild seahorses.   However, efforts to breed seahorses in captivity is somewhat complicated by the fact that young seahorses prefer live food that must be very small, given the tiny size of the young seahorses. While they are often fed frozen crustaceans, captive seahorses do better when feeding on live food. An article in the journal Aquaculture, suggests that live wild- or captive-raised copepods (tiny crustaceans)  and rotifers are a good food source that allows young seahorses to thrive in captivity.   References and Further Information: Bai, N. 2011. How the Seahorse Got Its Curves. Scientific American. Accessed August 29, 2013. Birch Aquarium. Secrets of the Seahorse. Accessed August 29, 2013. Project Seahorse. Why Seahorse? Essential Facts About Seahorses. Accessed August 29, 2013. Scales, H. 2009. Poseidons Steed: The Story of Seahorses, From Myth to Reality. Gotham Books. Souza-Santos, L.P. 2013. Prey Selection of Juvenile Seahorses. Aquaculture: 404-405:35-40. Accessed August 29, 2013.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 23

Journal - Essay Example The members of the group try to help each other. If one person cannot do something, another person will try to do it. In return, the first person should try to find a way to do the second person’s task when he or she is available. This type is a 5.5 in Blake and Mouton’s Conflict Grid. We are able to maintain the peace among the group. However, our progress is very slow because each person needs to adjust to the schedule of the other person. So, a task is only finished when someone is free to do it. 4. My style of conflict management depends on the conflict. Sometimes I use collaboration. Other times I use competing and other times I use accommodating. I think one style of conflict management is not perfect in all types of conflict. The style I choose will depend on the people in the conflict and the goal to meet. I think sometimes I have to be firm and decide alone. In other situations, I have to get consider suggestions from my subordinates. In other situations, I have to adjust something while my subordinate also adjusts something so we can meet in the middle. 5. For our group, these factors helped the most: people will accept changes that have a part in planning and changes will be more readily accepted when people are involved in gathering the facts that indicate the need for change. These factors helped because the opinions of all the members were considered. 6. The most helpful of the Ten Commandments of Implementing Changes is Number 9: Communicate, involve people, and be honest. If everyone in the group knows about any changes, they can prepare for it. The least helpful is Number 6: Line up political sponsorship. I think this is not important in making changes. Also, political sponsorship cannot help if many people do not want change. 7. All the persons in my group are Early Majority. They do not accept change easily. I think it is because each person is busy with personal activities. They do not like tasks from

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Exam 2 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exam 2 - Term Paper Example Learning by human beings may be a result of training, education, schooling, or personal growth. Psychology studies how learning occurs in various contexts of life. Additionally, learning may be a result of observation, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning. This paper will look at how amateur soccer players learn to be better players than they are in regard to the three learning approaches. Three students, John, Peter, and James, had just joined high school. The three were extremely passionate about soccer and had the desire to join the school soccer team. John, Peter, and James frequently attended the team’s training sessions. The level of skill and performance of the team were greater than what the three students had, but they were still eager to join. John improved as a player through observational learning, Peter improved through classical conditioning, and James through operant conditioning. Observational learning occurs as a result of observation, retention, a nd replication of another person’s behavior, in most cases a role model. For behavior to be imitated, the observer should pay attention to the behavior of his or her role model. Additionally, the observer should retain the behavior in the memory and finally replicate what he or she had learned from the model. The observer should have the skill to reproduce the model’s action. ... stimulus, which brings forth an expected response; unconditioned response, which is a natural response to the unconditioned stimulus; conditioned stimulus formed after the association between a neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus; and conditioned response, the learned response to the earlier stimulus that was neutral. Whenever Peter saw soccer balls (Unconditioned Stimulus) during the training sessions, his urge to practice would increase (Unconditioned Response). Moreover, when he would hear a whistle (Conditioned Stimulus) being blown, he would feel like going (Conditioned Response) to the pitch to play. On the other hand, operant conditioning entails increasing or decreasing the probability of behavior due to the outcome. It involves a stimulus, response, and reinforcement (Ormrod 123). James attended every training session with the aim of improving and getting a place in the team. Whenever he completed tasks (response) in training, the coach would praise (reinforcement) h im. This made him improve his skills and general performance. Several brain parts assist in the process of learning. There are those that control learning parts and those involved in the same learning parts. Storage of information is a must for learning to be conducted. The temporal lobe organizes information, speech, and memory. It helps in retrieving memory, images, and accurate information. The amygdala helps in the organization and storage of emotion related memories. It also determines the memories to be stored and organizes all the memories storage. The hippocampus helps in creating memories that are new. It makes concepts and fits experiences into the concepts. The frontal lobe solves problems, judgment, memory, language, and personality control. Skills to solve problems and think

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Exposure to Stereotypes Essay Example for Free

Exposure to Stereotypes Essay Exposures to Stereotypes The following paper will be an informative paper about stereotyping and exposure. Children are exposed to racism, cultural and gender stereotypes every day. This paper will explain why it is believed that movies, television series, children products smears children’s understanding of race, culture and gender and the messages that are being transpired. Examples will be given on the stereotypes. Strategies will also be given. Included in this paper will also include my thoughts and objectives. Stereotyping people has been happening for many centuries now. Early as in preschool is when most people begin being stereotyped. The saying, â€Å"Don’t judge a book by its cover,† never seems to work because people take one look at someone else and judge. They judge them by how they walk, what they wear, how they present themselves, and then they have already stereotyped the person before getting to know them. When turning on the television many children are being introduced to many different stereotypes. The Cosby Show comes to mind when I think about coming up as a child. I somehow thought that this was the typical African American family. I learn a lot from this series however. This show was still on at a time when African American shows were unheard of to stay on a television station. It showed a wealthy family a dad that was a lawyer and a mom who was a doctor dealt with 5 children that kept them busy with school and other common youth issues. When I realize that my family was not the same I was devastated because I thought that all African Americans should be somewhat like the Huxtables Family. Moving along, when I became a little older my teacher showed my class a viewing of the movie collection of â€Å"Roots†. I was horrified but what I had seen. I thought that all Caucasians were mean because of me being exposed to racism in such a horrific way. Time made me so much wiser; it showed me that you cannot assume that all people of a certain race in bad just because a few people of a certain race made a very bad choice in life. Crying and yelling at night for about a week is what this movie did for me at that time. I had dreams of me being wrongfully mistreated and whipped. My mom came into my room one particular night and we talked about the situation. She told me that what I had seen in that movie was wrong but that it happened in a time were people were dealing with hatred. Furthermore, it was then that I realized that the media, music, books, toys, peers, adults, and many more all have either a negative or a positive effect on children. I also object to children being exposed or introduced to certain racial aspects of life. It is understood that we cannot protect them from everything but we can make a great effort a point to intercept the negativity. References: York, S. (2003) Roots and wings: Affirming culture in early childhood programs [Revised Ed]. Pearson Education. Upper Saddle River, NJ 120528-002549 Ticket#.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Buy Essay Online: The Trials of Odysseus :: Odyssey essays

The Trials of Odysseus      Ã‚  Ã‚   Much of modern literature and beliefs can be found in The Odyssey. The epic stands as the basis for the adventure genre. Heroes, mystery, action, and bloodshed can all be found in Homer’s timeless classic. However, The Odyssey also contains one major concept that is a part of everyone’s life. Everyone must at one time or another prove themselves. And that is the foundation of Odysseus’ story. He, a warrior meant to die on the battleground at Troy, survived to set sail back to his home of Ithaca. For this the gods had him prove himself. Throughout The Odyssey it is constantly shown that in order for one to earn his right to live, he must first prove himself in the battle of life where his only weapons are his intellect, his sense of trust, and the strength of pure determination. Throughout The Odyssey, often times Odysseus is forced to call upon his intellect rather than his warrior instinct in order to pass another godly test. At one point in The Odyssey, Odysseus and his comrades are taken prisoner in the titanic cave of Polyphemus the Cyclops. A colossal boulder keeps Odysseus and his men from escaping. Rather than slaying the formidable adversary, Odysseus devises a plan more of a scholar than a relentless warrior. This becomes known as Odysseus recounts his story to the Phaecians, telling them that, â€Å" ‘I [Odysseus] formed the plan within my daring heart of closing on him [Polyphemus the Cyclops], drawing my sharp sword from my thigh, and stabbing him†¦ Yet second thoughts restrained me†¦ for we could never with our hands have pushed from the lofty door the enormous stone which he had set against it’ † (85). Odysseus’ strong intelligence outweighs those of his warrior comrades, who would have been quick to slay t he giant. Had Odysseus sent the Cyclops to Hades, he and his men would surely have followed. However, this was not to be, as Odysseus does not let the warrior in him direct his actions as a leader. Throughout his adventures, Odysseus must also rely on his intellect to rid of those who restrain him from reaching Ithaca. On the island of Ogygia, Odysseus is kept a reluctant guest at the halls of the goddess-nymph Calypso. Odysseus, who sees that he cannot escape by means of battle, turns to flattery. Buy Essay Online: The Trials of Odysseus :: Odyssey essays The Trials of Odysseus      Ã‚  Ã‚   Much of modern literature and beliefs can be found in The Odyssey. The epic stands as the basis for the adventure genre. Heroes, mystery, action, and bloodshed can all be found in Homer’s timeless classic. However, The Odyssey also contains one major concept that is a part of everyone’s life. Everyone must at one time or another prove themselves. And that is the foundation of Odysseus’ story. He, a warrior meant to die on the battleground at Troy, survived to set sail back to his home of Ithaca. For this the gods had him prove himself. Throughout The Odyssey it is constantly shown that in order for one to earn his right to live, he must first prove himself in the battle of life where his only weapons are his intellect, his sense of trust, and the strength of pure determination. Throughout The Odyssey, often times Odysseus is forced to call upon his intellect rather than his warrior instinct in order to pass another godly test. At one point in The Odyssey, Odysseus and his comrades are taken prisoner in the titanic cave of Polyphemus the Cyclops. A colossal boulder keeps Odysseus and his men from escaping. Rather than slaying the formidable adversary, Odysseus devises a plan more of a scholar than a relentless warrior. This becomes known as Odysseus recounts his story to the Phaecians, telling them that, â€Å" ‘I [Odysseus] formed the plan within my daring heart of closing on him [Polyphemus the Cyclops], drawing my sharp sword from my thigh, and stabbing him†¦ Yet second thoughts restrained me†¦ for we could never with our hands have pushed from the lofty door the enormous stone which he had set against it’ † (85). Odysseus’ strong intelligence outweighs those of his warrior comrades, who would have been quick to slay t he giant. Had Odysseus sent the Cyclops to Hades, he and his men would surely have followed. However, this was not to be, as Odysseus does not let the warrior in him direct his actions as a leader. Throughout his adventures, Odysseus must also rely on his intellect to rid of those who restrain him from reaching Ithaca. On the island of Ogygia, Odysseus is kept a reluctant guest at the halls of the goddess-nymph Calypso. Odysseus, who sees that he cannot escape by means of battle, turns to flattery.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Classifying Computers Essay

According to the Global Census, forty-four million households, or forty two percent, had at least one member who used the Internet at home in 2000. Today, more family members in the world use computers. Most people are aware of the desktop computers which can be found in the home and in the workplace. What are the different types of computers and what are their purposes? Why are portable computers my favorite? Computers can be classified into three different categories of home computers, portable computers, and business computers including workstations and super computers. The first classification of computers is home computers. Home computers are being used by children, teenagers, and adults. The PC or, personal computer is designed to be used by one person. The term, Mac, is a PC, but most people link computers with Windows software such as Windows XP, Windows 7, or Windows 8. A PC is actually a desktop that is designed to be used in one set location. Many desktop computers are use d at home and at work. Various types of software have been designed to meet individual needs of the computer user. The use of home computers or PCs can be for various purposes such as education, work at home, personal communication through the Internet, to gain knowledge about different topics, and even to play games. The second classification of computers is portable computers. This type of classification includes lap tops. Most of the people are using lap tops instead of desktops. These are portable computers that are similar to desktops with many of the same functions. Lap tops have a keyboard, a pointing device or trackball, processor, memory, and hard drive all in a battery. You can use the laptops in different situations such as on an airplane, in front of a television set, or in a motel room. The fact that it is a portable computer designed to use anywhere makes the laptop the favorite to me, and to many people. The last classification of computers is called the office computers such as workstations or supercomputers. The workstation is a desktop computer that has a more powerful processor, additional memory, and more capabilities that helps you with special group of task, such as 3D Graphics or game development. Another computer under this classification is the server or a network, which is, a computer that has been made to provide services to other computers over a network. Servers usually have powerful processors, lots of memory and large hard drives. Also, under this classification of business computers, is the supercomputer. This type of computer is more expensive than any of the others, often costing millions of dollars. Supercomputers usually are used to predict weather, handle bank accounts, or insurance details. In conclusion, three classifications of computers are home computers, portable computers, and business computers. The desktop computer is usually found in homes or small offices. Portable computers are becoming more accepted with people buying more laptops, and they are my favorite. Business computers are usually known for networks servers, and supercomputers. Computers are used by children, teenagers, and adults with many children and teenagers having desktop computers in their rooms, and many teenagers, and adults are finding portable computers necessary as a part of their lives.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Food and Hunger Essay

The most pressing factor now limiting the capacity of the earth to support life is the supply of food. Man’s need for food and his current nutritional requirements are all important for his survival. Nutrition is defined as the science of food and its relationship to health. Some of these nutrients are considered to be essential while others are considered to be non-essential. Essential and Non-essential Food Nutrients Essential nutrients are nutrients that cannot be synthesized by the human body and therefore must be derived from food sources. Essential nutrients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and some carbohydrates as a source of energy. Non-essential nutrients are nutrients which the body has the ability to synthesis from other compounds, as well as, from food sources. Nutrients are generally divided into 2 categories, macronutrients, and micronutrients. People are heterotrophs. A heterotroph is a creature that must ingest biomass to obtain its energy and nutrition. All heterotrophs have an absolute dependence on the biological products of autotrophs for their sustenance—they have no other source of nourishment. 1. Macronutrients are fats, carbohydrates and proteins. All three can serve as source of the energy that we need to survive. These nutrients are generally needed in large quantities. Organic. 2. Micronutrients are the substances that an organism must have in its diet in small quantities because it cannot make them for itself or because it cannot make them as fast as it needs them. The nutrients can be divided into vitamins which organic compounds, and minerals which are inorganic. [pic] Malnutrition and Diet. About 20,000 people die of starvation everyday, and at least 10 million children in the world are so malnourished (poorly fed) that their lives are in danger. 1. Starvation means death from lack of food. Most people who are inadequately fed do not actually die because they take in too few calories to sustain life. 2. Some 45 compounds and elements found in foods are considered essential nutrients necessary for the life and health of human beings. 5. General Categories of Nutrients a. Carbohydrates – is an organic compound that consists only of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen b. Proteins -are large biological molecules consisting of one or more chains of amino acids c. Lipids – constitute a group of naturally occurring molecules that include fats, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, phospholipids, and others. d. Vitamins – is an organic compound required by an organism as a vital nutrient in limited amounts e. Minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms, other than the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen present in common organic molecules. 3. Human nutritional diet can be met by eating some foods from each of the four groups daily. 4 Food Group Categories a. Milk and dairy products are for calcium, proteins and other minerals. b. Meat, fish, poultry or egg for protein, fats and vitamins. (luxury food) c. Grain and starchy vegetables are for carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins. (staple food) d. Fruits and vegetables are for carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and some proteins. World Food Preference The traditional diet of various people in the world differs tremendously. East Africa – berries, grains, vegetables, milk and blood from cattle. Polynesian – coconut, fish bread fruit, taro, tropical fruits and occasional pork and poultry American and Europe – bread, turkey and beef Filipino – boiled rice, fish or meat with vegetable The Politics of Hunger â€Å"The problem of hunger is largely the problem of poverty† The existing nutritional deficiencies results either from insufficient supplies of some or all these foods, or from poverty to ignorance. To comprehend nutritional problems, one must be aware of the problems of: a. Agricultural development and production b. Food distribution and pattern c. Agricultural economics d. Cultural food preferences e. Public health situation Issues in Nutrition Nutrition is the substrate upon which growth and development feed. It is the basic precondition for the maintenance of good health because of its role in the fight against diseases. It remains to be fundamental issue in health. Quite apart from overt diseases due to or abetted by malnutrition, the profound effects on physical and mental development in growing children and work capacity and performance in adults give rise to corollary problems that are difficult to quantify. How, for example, does one measure a lost opportunity due to mental retardation or decreased productivity in the workplace brought about by marginal or borderline nutritional status? The Current Estate of Nutrition in the Philippines: Children in Focus 16th National Nutrition Survey Pedro MRA. Et. al Food and Nutrition Research Institute Department of Science and Technology Conclusion and Implication of the Program? Under nutrition (underweight, thinness, shortness and increasing prevalence of anemia and VAD) affects a significant of Filipino children; the rate of prevalence of undernutrition to children needs to be accelerated. ? Inadequate infant and young child feeding practices including: †¢ Low prevalence and short duration of exclusive breastfeeding †¢ Decreasing consumption of milk and products ? Usual food intake of young child beyond breastfeeding is inadequate in energy, iron, calcium and vitamin A particularly after 12 months of age when milked intake has by then decreased and intake of other food is not sufficient. ? The only day per capita of Filipino household in 2003 was deficient for the most of the nutrients (iron, calcium, vitamin A, riboflavin a, vitamin C) in spite of the consumption of most food groups except fruits and vegetables, legumes and eggs. ? Under nutrition of children are more prevalent among households and mothers with experiences of food security, relation of poverty and nutrition†¦ Philippines Food and Nutrition Program (PFNP) Provides the mandate, political support, overall program design, manpower, strategies and mechanism. Department Of Health (DOH). Its part has embarked specifically targeted supplementary programs. Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) The institute continues to provide relevant technologies and scientific information on food and nutrition. National Nutrition Council (NNC) This is the country’s highest policy-making and coordinating body on nutrition. Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines, Inc. (NFP) This is a Philippine private, non-stock, non-profit organization engaged in improving the nutritional status of the Filipino community. MALACANANG M a n i l a PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 491 June 25, 1974. CREATING A NATIONAL NUTRITION COUNCIL AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, malnutrition is seriously affecting millions of our people; WHEREAS, malnutrition retards mental and physical development of our children, weakens their resistance to infections resulting in unnecessary loss of human lives through high infant and child mortality rates; WHEREAS, studies indicate that infants and young children, pregnant women and nursing mothers are most vulnerable to malnutrition; WHEREAS, there is a multiplicity of government agencies engaged in various aspects of nutrition activities; WHEREAS, there are various food programs in the country such as the Green Revolution, Masagana 99, Palayan ng Bayan, Masaganang Maisan and others which are aimed at providing for food sufficiency; WHEREAS, there is a close interlinking relationship between food, education and nutrition; WHEREAS, Executive Order 285, series of 1971, vested in the National Food and Agriculture Council the responsibility to coordinate all nutrition programs in the country; WHEREAS, coordination has proven to be of great value in integrating the food and nutrition efforts of the various agencies; WHEREAS, one of the objectives of the New Society is to bring about social, economic, and political reforms to eventually improve the quality of life of every Filipino; WHEREAS, the nutrition program, being concerned with human resource development, is a vital and integral part of social reform and economic development; NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution do hereby adopt, approve and make as part of the law of the land, the following: Section 1. Title. This decree shall be known as the Nutrition Act of the Philippines. Section 2. Declaration of Policy. The Government of the Philippines hereby declares that nutrition is now a priority of the government to be implemented by all branches of the government in an integrated fashion. Section 3. Philippine Food and Nutrition Program. An Integrated Four-Year Program involving the government and private sector shall be drafted by the National Council is hereby created. The program shall be approved by the President to be implemented by all concerned. Section 4. Creation of a National Nutrition Council. There is hereby created an agency under the Office of the President, the National Nutrition Council, hereinafter referred to as the council, to be composed of the following officials; The Secretary, Department of Education and Culture The Chairman-Coordinator, National Food and Agriculture Council The Secretary, Department of Health. The Chairman, National Science Development Board The Secretary, Department of Social Welfare The Secretary, Department of Local Government and Community Development The Chairman of the Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines President, Philippine Medical Association One other representative of the private sector to be appointed by the President of the Philippines. In the event that any cabinet member cannot attend Council meetings, he shall be represented by an Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary. Section 5. Functions and Powers. The Council shall have the following functions and powers: (a) To formulate an integrated national program on nutrition. (b) To supervise, coordinate and evaluate the implementation of the integrated Philippine Food and Nutrition Program to be implemented by all agencies and instrumentalities of both the government and the private sector concerned with improving the nutrition of our people. (c) To coordinate and integrate policies and programs of all agencies and instrumentalities of the government charged with the prosecution of existing law, policies, rules and regulations concerning nutrition. (d) To coordinate the release of public funds for nutrition purposes in accordance with the approved projects and programs. (e) To coordinate all requests for loans and grants by the government agencies involved in the nutrition program. (f) To call on any department, bureau, office, agency and other instrumentalities of the government for assistance in the form of personnel, facilities and resources as the need arises. Section 6. Officers of the Council. The Chairman-Coordinator of the National Food and Agriculture Council shall be the Chairman of the Council. He shall maintain a close link of the nutrition program with the food programs of the government. In his absence, the Secretary of Health shall be the Acting Chairman. An Executive Director shall be appointed by the Council. He shall implement the policies, programs, projects and decisions of the Council. One or more Deputy Executive Directors may be appointed by the Council and shall assist the Executive Director in the performance of his duties or take charge of special project assigned by the Executive Director. A Management Committee shall be formed, the members of which shall be a representative appointed by each of the members of the Council, which representatives should be the head of the nutrition unit or project of his office. The Executive Director, or in his absence, a Deputy Executive Directors, shall be Chairman of the Management Committee. This Committee shall perform such functions as may be assigned to it by this Council. The Council shall hire such other personnel as may be necessary for the performance of its basic functions. All positions, except the technical and professional staff and such other positions as the Council may declare to be highly technical, policy determining, or primarily confidential, shall be subject to Civil Service rules and regulations and the Wages and Position Classification Office: Provided that, all personnel shall be entitled to the benefits and privileges normally accorded to government employees, such as retirement, GSIS Insurance, leave and similar matters: Provided further, that in the appointment and promotion or employees, merit and efficiency shall serve as basis, and no political test or qualification shall be prescribed and considered for such appointments and promotions. Section 7. Nutrition Month. The month of July shall be designated as NUTRITION MONTH, for the purpose of creating greater awareness among our people on the importance of nutrition. Activities thereto shall be approved and coordinated by the Council. This Nutrition Month of July shall be in lieu of the previously declared Nutrition Week in March. Section 8. Donations. The Council shall be authorized to received donations, grants, or gifts in whatever form and from whatever sources: Provided that, said grants, gifts or donations shall be terms of the grant or donations and in such manner as a majority of the council may in its discretion determine. Section 9. Appropriations. For the first fiscal year, 1974-1975, P3. 4 million pesos shall be appropriated from NFAC funds already stipulated for nutrition programs. Provided that, the sum of ten million pesos is hereby appropriated as operating funds of the National Nutrition Council starting fiscal year 1975-1976. Provided further, that said amount may be increased or deceased in the succeeding years by the Council in accordance with its financial position. This appropriation shall be included in the Annual General Appropriation Act beginning in Fiscal Year 1975-1976. Section 10. All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed and/or modified accordingly. Section 11. This Decree shall take effect immediately. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-four. Factors That Affect State Nutrition Food security. The most basic solution to malnutrition that will assure adequate supply and universal access to food. Poverty & Rapid increase in Population The discrepancy was the population of increase for the same period coupled with the static expenditure on food by the average household. Education Lack of specific knowledge due to poor or deficient education may magnify an already existing state of poor nutrition. Prevalence of Disease Who comes first? Disease or Malnutrition? However, it is established for some diseases, the effect of nutritional status is a major determinant of morbidity. Parasitic worm Diarrhea Malaria Geography Isolated pockets of population may suffer from peculiarities of geography. Due to difficult access to these places, food supply may suffer from time to dip, which results in decrease in consumption. Most of these regions cannot also produce the quantity and variety of food needed for adequate nutrition. The only specific solution for malnutrition is the provision of more food to supply the deficient calorie and nutrient. Definition of Terms Legumes – edible crop Peculiarity – ambiguous Malnutrition – undernourishment Discrepancy – difference Diet – cut down Deficiency – shortage Collar (collary) – line of job Workplace – place of work Marginal/Borderline – medium Mandate- authorization Embarked – board Supplementary – additional Prevalence – occurrence Morbidity – death rate Isolated – lonely. References: http://www. nnc. gov. ph/about-nnc#mission http://www. chanrobles. com/presidentialdecrees/presidentialdecreeno491. html#. UQDU8lsW7Dc http://en. wikipilipinas. org/index. php? title=Food_and_Nutrition_Research_Institute http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nutrition_Foundation_of_the_Philippines,_Inc. http://www. questformuscle. com/articles/nutrition01. asp http://www. ndap. org. ph/food-pyramids University of Perpetual Help System- GMA CAMPUS Brgy. San Gabriel, GMA, Cavite COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCES AND EDUCATION Environmental Science [pic] [Written Report] Submitted by:Submitted to: Jose Mariano A. EpinoMr. Prony Adrales III – AB PsychologyProfessor.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Examining the selection criteria for equity finance investment in social enterprise The WritePass Journal

Examining the selection criteria for equity finance investment in social enterprise Research Methodology Examining the selection criteria for equity finance investment in social enterprise ; Neuman, 2000). As a result of this choice, the positivist philosophy would not be adopted in this study, as it would be ineffective to adopt a philosophy that observes and generalises social reality (Robson, 2002). Collis and Hussey (2003) also argue that the positivist philosophy cannot help understand the inner feelings, attitudes and human emotions behind social enterprise investments, as these could differ from one investor to another. Research Approach According to Collis and Hussey (2003) a research that adopts an interpretivist philosophy should be inductive in its approach. An inductive approach to research can help to gain an understanding of human interpretation to events, which is especially useful in management research, where the attitude and motivation of stakeholders matter (Saunders et al, 2009). As this study is concerned with understanding how social enterprise investors determine their investment criteria, then it is useful for this research to adopt an approach that makes it possible to understand human emotions and attitudes, compared to the deductive approach that is usually based on generalised scientific principles and academic theories (Bryman and Bell, 2007). Research Purpose As the aim of this study is to identify what social venture capitalists look for in an investment opportunity, this lends itself very much to an exploratory research methodology. According to Robson (2002, pg. 59), â€Å"an exploratory research is a valuable means of finding out what is happening; to seek new insights; to ask questions and to assess phenomena in a new light.† Saunders et al (2009) also state that an exploratory research is useful if the aim of the research is to understand a problem, find out what’s happening, or when the researcher is particularly unsure about a research problem. As such, an exploratory study is an ideal design, as it helps to answer this research’s question more effectively. An exploratory study has been chosen compared to descriptive studies – which portray accurate events of people, events or situations (Robson, 2002), because this research seeks to ‘find out’ and not to ‘narrate’. Furthermore, the literature review already shows that there is insufficient information on selection criteria on social enterprise investments, which defeats the purpose of a descriptive study. The same also applies to explanatory studies, where the emphasis is to study a situation and explain the relationship between two or more variables (Saunders et al, 2009). This study is not designed to assess the relationship between variables, but rather to understand investor attitude. An exploratory study is therefore the most effective form of answering the research question. Data Collection Saunders et al. (2009) suggest that when gathering primary data for an inductive exploratory study, it is normal that much of the data will be qualitative in nature.   While there is a considerable amount of quantitative data around the subject of venture capital and social enterprise, these statistics are not sufficient to clarify investment criteria. A further issue with quantitative data is that this research does not seek to reconcile hypothesis and as a result, a methodology needs to be chosen that produces qualitative data. To answer the research question, and to develop a better understanding of this new development for both the social VC and social enterprise industries, it is important to collect data that is rich in opinion and explanation (as recommended by Morris and Wood, 1991). Qualitative data collection is therefore the most appropriate for this research. As it is anticipated that much of the primary data gathered for this study will be qualitative in nature, Saunders et al. (2009) suggests that there are several techniques for gathering primary data.   These include inter alia interviews, surveys, focus groups, case studies, and participant observation. To obtain rich data that will be sufficient to allow for analysis, the development of themes, and sufficient contrast of opinion, techniques such as questionnaires and general surveys with large samples are unlikely to be effective (Morris and Wood, 1991). Firstly due to the fact that they will not provide the necessary opinion to answer the research question but more importantly due to the fact that there is a limited sample of available respondents with the necessary experience in their industry, as will be clarified in the data sources section of this methodology. While both the VC industry and the social enterprise ‘movement’ are well established, the actual link between them is relatively new and as a result it is important to select a technique that allows for the development of theories to emerge during data collection and analysis. A longitudinal study would potentially be ideal as would the case study method, since both of these allow for the opportunity for the discovery of interesting new ideas and theories (Adams and Schvaneveldt, 1991). A longitudinal study is not appropriate for this dissertation due to the time constraints, and so a cross-sectional study is more appropriate. While there was the potential to carry out a case study of either a social VC fund or a social enterprise, this would have only provided information around one organization. To effectively analyse the link between two industries it is more appropriate to gather data from a broad cross section of organizations and links to avoid either any bias or à ¢â‚¬Å"isolate opinion† (Collis and Hussey, 2003). According to Belk (2008), the main weakness of qualitative data collection is that it can be limited by insufficient resources. This means that because interviews are resource intensive, a narrower range of opinion is gathered.   However Collins Hussey (2003) argue that if the interviews are well structured even though they only gather the opinions of a relatively small research population the depth and breadth of data gathered and the fact that it is contextually relevant is certainly sufficient in terms of data validity and reliability for an exploratory study such as this. Having established the time limitations and the issue that the potential sample is limited but should be sufficiently broad, interviews emerge as the most appropriate methodology. As Sanders et al (2009) explains, there are a number of different ways that an interview can be conducted. It is first important to establish which structure of interview is the most appropriate. There are three main categories of interview structure, and these are: structured, semi-structured and unstructured. The primary distinction between them being the level of freedom given to the researcher in terms of asking different questions to interviewees, and varying the length allowed for the responses (Saunders et al, 2009). The literature showed that there is no clarity as to either the criteria used for funding or for the advice to those seeking funding, and as a result there needs to be the opportunity for the interviewees to express opinion and provide information that moves beyond the confines of a set of structured questions. To develop new and interesting theories, it is essential that the interviews allow for different responses (Robson, 2002). However, this dissertation has a limitation of length which prevents unstructured interviews from being an appropriate technique as it could potentially allow for too much data to be collected making analysis overly complex or it could prevent the necessary focus on the issues related to the research question. Semi-structured interviews allow for sufficient data to be collected while also providing the flexibility that is necessary for the researcher to develop both original insight and sufficient opinion for the analysis (Bryman and Bell, 2007). Data Sources and Data Collection Techniques Since it has been established that the author shall conduct semi-structured interviews, it is important at this stage to re-visit the research questions, which are as follows: When evaluating social enterprises for equity investment, which criteria are considered most important? Do social venture capitalists differ in their evaluation criteria compared to commercial venture capitalists? Secondary research question: What are the drivers for the social venture capitalists? A questionnaire has been developed accordingly and used as a guideline, allowing for flexibility of the discussion and giving the respondents room to reject certain questions or focus on questions that was within their expertise, whilst still ensuring answers to the more critical questions. This semi-structured format is favourable also because it allows for discretion and prioritization in time management, without the need to interrupt or inconvenience the respondent (Neuman, 2000). Primary data has been gathered using said questionnaire, from five individuals that are responsible for screening social enterprises in the UK for access to equity investment. Five interview respondents were seen as ideal for a number of reasons. Firstly, this research is exploratory in nature; secondly, time constraints would have made it difficult to gather and analyse data from more than five respondents; and lastly, it was difficult to gain access to these individuals. The semi-structured interviews were conducted over the phone and in face-to-face environments, as per the respondents’ preference. The questionnaire was shared beforehand allowing the respondents time to consider and prepare for the questions if need be, as well as to filter out respondents who were not well suited. Research participants were encouraged to expand upon their responses to allow the researcher to gather a wide range of data (Belk, 2008).   The interviews were audio-recorded with consent and subsequently transcribed verbatim[1], in order to allow the researcher to focus on the interview and fully engage with the respondent, without compromising on the accuracy of the data collected (Robson, 2002). This further allowed for the researcher to take note of additional non-verbal communication to enrich the quality of data retrieved (Kvale and Brinkmann, 2009). At the end of each interview, a summary was developed in order to reflect upon the progression of the interv iew process and start developing any findings. This â€Å"stop and reflect† process in between interviews, as recommended by Saunders et al (2009), has allowed the researcher to adapt to this new knowledge and delve deeper into the research questions with each ensuing interview.   This process has led to an additional set of questions on the questionnaire[2], with the aim of addressing four new research questions: Is there in fact a market/demand for equity investment in social enterprise in the UK? Is there a supply/demand balance of social enterprises to social investment? How do SIFIs interact? What does the future of social investment look like? Once the data had been gathered, the author administered data reduction techniques (Miles and Huberman, 1994) by critically reviewing and selectively focusing on key parts of the extended text which are the transcripts. By extracting relevant pieces of information to answer our research questions, along with our notes throughout the interview process, the author was then able to codify the data, which was then subject to thematic analysis. Data collection, data analysis and the development and verification of the propositions have been very much an interactive and interrelated set of processes, whereby actual analysis occurred throughout. The flexibility of this process was key to enabling more insightful data and propositions, as enabled by an inductive approach. Issues of Reliability, Validity and Generalisability Reliability denotes the extent to which findings from a research can provide consistent findings, if another study were to adopt its data gathering and sampling technique (Easterby-Smith et al, 2008). The major threats to research liability: respondent bias, respondent error, interviewer bias and interviewer error (Robson, 2002) were avoided by: Sending the questionnaires to the respondents beforehand to avoid misinterpretation of intent or questions. Audio-recording the interviews, and taking ‘time-outs’ to reflect on the answers and ask further questions. Analyzing the data using data-reduction techniques, in order to prioritize the key findings and avoid loss of data. Validity, according to Saunders et al (2009) â€Å"is concerned with whether findings are really about what they appear to be about†. The interview questions were based on the research question, thus linking respondent answers to the overall aim of the research. Furthermore, the respondents were accredited professionals with industry insight on social enterprise investments. As a result, they were most fit to answer the interview questions. This helped ensure the data collected and analysed was valid. Generalisability measures the extent to which research findings are generalizable to other research settings (Saunders et al, 2009). Due to the inductive nature of this study, it is the researcher’s opinion that the findings of this research are generalizable to social enterprise investments in the UK. The findings from this research could help explain how investors determine what social enterprises they would invest in the UK. This is due to socio-economic factors that may differ from one country to another. Ethics With any primary research it is imperative that matters relating to research ethics are taken into account (Denzin and Lincoln, 2003).   This includes ensuring that research participants have a clear understanding of what the research will entail and their contribution to the research. Research participants have agreed to support the research voluntarily, and so Denzin and Lincoln (2003, p.114) describe this as informed consent.   The author has explained the nature of the research and reassured research participants of their role.   Furthermore, confidentiality will be maintained through ensuring anonymity of research participants throughout this dissertation, only divulging participants’ names on a need to know basis to dissertation assessors.   Not only is this ethical best practice, but Bryman Bell (2011) also highlight the fact that it further ensures that the researcher gathers legitimate data which is not subject to inadvertent bias, for example a research part icipant feels that they must say nice things about their supervisor.   In this instance because the research is heavily reliant on personal opinion then it is imperative that research ethics are observed. Due to the respondents’ varying assumptions in definition when referring to key research terms, such as â€Å"social enterprise† and â€Å"social venture capital†, all questions were clarified in detail where necessary, and the author ensured an alignment of understanding prior to collecting data. References Adams, G. R. and Schvaneveldt, J. D. (1991) Understanding Research Methods, Longman Group: UK, 406pp Bryman, A. and Bell, E. (2007) Business Research Methods, 2nd Ed, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 786pp Collis, J. and Hussey, R. (2003) Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, 2nd Ed, Palgrave McMillan: NY, 374pp Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R., and Lowe, A. (2008) Management Research: An Introduction, 2nd Ed, SAGE: London, 194pp Morris, T. and Wood, S. (1991), ‘Testing the survey method: continuity and change in British industrial relations’, Work, Employment Society, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 259- 82. Neuman, W. L. (2000) Basics of social research: qualitative and quantitative approaches, Pearson: UK, 391pp Robson, C. (2002) Real world research: a resource for social scientists and   practitioner researchers, 2nd Ed, Wiley-Blackwell: NY, 599pp Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2009) Research methods for business   students, Fifth Edition, Pearson Education: NJ, 624pp

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Kohlbergs Stages of Moral Development

Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development Lawrence Kohlberg outlined one of the best-known theories addressing the development of morality in childhood. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, which include three levels and six stages, expanded on and revised the ideas of Jean Piaget’s previous work on the subject. Key Takeaways: Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development Lawrence Kohlberg was inspired by Jean Piaget’s work on moral judgment to create a stage theory of moral development in childhood.The theory includes three levels and six stages of moral thinking. Each level includes two stages. The levels are called preconventional morality, conventional morality, and postconventional morality.Since it was initially proposed, Kohlberg’s theory has been criticized for overemphasizing a Western male perspective on moral reasoning. Origins Jean Piagets two-stage theory of moral judgment marked a divide between the way children younger than 10 and those 10 and older think about morality. While younger children looked at rules as fixed and based their moral judgments on consequences, older children’s perspectives were more flexible and their judgments were based on intentions. However, intellectual development doesn’t end when Piaget’s stages of moral judgment ended, making it likely that moral development continued as well. Because of this, Kohlberg felt Piaget’s work was incomplete. He sought to study a range of children and adolescents in order to determine if there were stages that went beyond those proposed by Piaget. Kohlberg’s Research Method Kohlberg utilized Piaget’s method of interviewing children about moral dilemmas in his research. He would present each child with a series of such dilemmas and ask them their thoughts on each one to determine the reasoning behind their thinking. For example, one of the moral dilemmas Kohlberg presented was the following: â€Å"In Europe, a woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her†¦ The druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to make. The sick woman’s husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about†¦ half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said: ‘No, I discovered the drug and I’m going to make money from it.’ So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man’s store to steal the drug for his wife.† After explaining this dilemma to his participants, Kohlberg would ask, â€Å"Should the husband have done that?† He then continued with a series of additional questions that would help him understand why the child thought Heinz was right or wrong to do what he did. After collecting his data, Kohlberg classified the responses into stages of moral development. Kohlberg interviewed 72 boys in suburban Chicago for his study. The boys were 10, 13, or 16 years old. Each interview was approximately two hours long and Kohlberg  presented each participant with 10 moral dilemmas during that time. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Kohlberg’s research yielded three levels of moral development. Each level consisted of two stages, leading to six stages in total. People pass through each stage sequentially with the thinking at the new stage replacing the thinking at the previous stage. Not everyone reached the highest stages in Kohlbergs theory. In fact, Kohlberg believed that many didn’t move past his third and fourth stages. Level 1: Preconventional Morality At the lowest level of moral development individuals haven’t yet internalized a sense of morality. Moral standards are dictated by adults and the consequences of breaking the rules. Children nine years old and younger tend to fall into this category. Stage 1: Punishment and Obedience Orientation. Children believe the rules are fixed and must be obeyed to the letter. Morality is external to the self.Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange. Children begin to realize that the rules aren’t absolute. Different people have different perspectives and therefore there isn’t just one correct point of view. Level 2: Conventional Morality A majority of adolescents and adults fall into the middle level of conventional morality. At this level, people start to internalize moral standards but not necessarily to question them. These standards are based on the social norms of the groups a person is part of. Stage 3: Good Interpersonal Relationships. Morality arises from living up to the standards of a given group, such as ones family or community, and being a good group member.Stage 4: Maintaining the Social Order. The individual becomes more aware of the rules of society on a broader scale. As a result, they become concerned with obeying laws and maintaining the social order. Level 3: Postconventional Morality If individuals reach the highest level of moral development, they start to question if what they see around them is good. In this case, morality stems from self-defined principles. Kohlberg suggested that only 10-15% of the population was able to achieve this level because of the abstract reasoning it required. Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Rights. Society should function as a social contract where the goal of each individual is to improve society as a whole. In this context, morality and individual rights like life and liberty may take precedence over specific laws.Stage 6: Universal Principles. People develop their own principles of morality even if they conflict with society’s laws. These principles must be applied to every individual equally. Critiques Since Kohlberg initially proposed his theory, many criticisms have been leveled against it. One of the key issues other scholars take with the theory centers on the sample used to create it. Kohlberg focused on boys in a specific United States city. As a result, his theory has been accused of being biased towards men in Western cultures. Western individualist cultures may have different moral philosophies than other cultures. For example, individualist cultures emphasize personal rights and freedoms, while collectivist cultures emphasize what’s best for the community as a whole. Kohlberg’s theory does not take these cultural differences into account. In addition, critics like Carol Gilligan have maintained that Kohlberg’s theory conflates morality with an understanding of rules and justice, while overlooking concerns such as compassion and care. Gilligan believed the emphasis on impartially judging conflicts between competing parties overlooked the female perspective on morality, which tended to be contextual and derived from an ethics of compassion and concern for other people. Kohlberg’s methods were also criticized. The dilemmas he used weren’t always applicable to children at the age of 16 and under. For example, the Heinz dilemma presented above might not be relatable to children who had never been married. Had Kohlberg focused on dilemmas more reflective of his subjects lives, his results may have been different. Also, Kohlberg never examined if moral reasoning actually reflected moral behavior. Therefore, it’s not clear if his subjects’ actions fell in line with their ability to think morally. Sources Cherry, Kendra. â€Å"Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development.† Verywell Mind, 13 March 2019., William. Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications. 5th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall. 2005.Kohlberg, Lawrence. â€Å"The Development of Children’s Orientation Toward a Moral Order: I. Sequence in the Development of Moral Thought.† Vita Humana, vol. 6, no. 1-2, 1963, pp. 11-33., Saul. â€Å"Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development.† Simply Psychology, 24 October 2013.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How to Take a Blood Pressure Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How to Take a Blood Pressure - Coursework Example Introduction Teaching how to take blood pressure is a matter of serious concern. There are many studies suggesting various ways to teach blood pressure measurement. Still, it is painful to note that blood pressure measurement is one of the most inaccurately performed tasks in the medical field. It becomes evident from studies that most medical students feel incompetent to perform the task successfully due to poor understanding of the underlying theories and also due to limited practical sessions. Considering the connection of blood pressure with various chronic and acute illnesses, it is necessary to ensure that medical professionals are able to measure blood pressure accurately. Studies have proved that computer simulation and video can be enormously helpful in improving the blood pressure measurement. So, this study intends to develop a methodology that will incorporate video and computer simulation to make students able to learn the theory and practice of taking blood pressure. Pr oposal Context Accurate measurement of blood pressure is essential to classify individuals, to evaluate blood-pressure related risk, and to devise management. However, according to AHA Recommendations for Blood Pressure Measurement in Humans and Experimental Animals, â€Å"it is still one of the most inaccurately performed.† (Pickering, Hall, Appel, Falkner, Graves, Hill, Jones, Kurtz, Sheps, and roccella,, 2005). It has been observed that blood pressure measurement has become a very important need these days. As Ako Aotearoa Report (prepared by Bland & Ousey) dated 30 March 2010 observes, variations in blood pressure can be indicators of chronic diseases like coronary heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease and acute conditions like hypovolemic shock. As it has been associated with various diseases, people are in increasing need of regularly monitoring their blood pressure. However, it seems from studies that in nursing schools, students get relatively less skills and con fidence in blood pressure monitoring. Here, it seems useful to think about a computer program that functions as a bank of knowledge and on-line video learning. In a study conducted by Cannon, Kelly, Lyng, and McGrath (2009), it was found that videos along with large scale deployment of skills videos could offer a useful tool to aid teaching. From the study, it became evident that when students were allowed to watch related videos before practical sessions, their performance improved significantly. However, at present, learning BPM means to attend long term courses at a nursing school learning human anatomy. Again, there comes the study that using online exercises and patient simulation is very useful in improving the students’ clinical decision-making ability. In addition, online learning allows discussion groups where students can discuss their issues and find solutions (the Free Library). It seems that effective use of video and computer simulation will help describe the th eory of blood pressure monitoring and human anatomy. So, this proposal suggests that there is the need for a computer program that provides all these relevant information together, in a step-by-step way that starts from basic human anatomy, blood pressure and various diseases, measurement of blood pressure using equipments, videos of taking blood pressure, links to various books and articles, and finally, a computer

Friday, November 1, 2019

I-35 Bridge report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

I-35 Bridge report - Research Paper Example Finally, the report also focuses on the rehabilitation â€Å"of the I-35W Bridge† and practices that have been adopted in the construction and maintenance of bridges. It shows how various organizations in fire and emergence, law enforcement and environmental monitoring, can reduce the impact of a possible tragedy like that of the collapse of I-35W Bridge to cause minimal loss of lives and property. Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. I-35W bridge maintenance and construction 3. Emergency Assistance after the Collapsed Bridge 4. Impact â€Å"of the I-35W Bridge Collapse on the Current Practices† 5. Conclusion 1) Introduction The 35W Mississippi River Bridge maintained by state of Minnesota, collapsed on the evening of 1st of August 2007, killing thirteen people and injuring another 121 people. Unfortunately, there were approximately 120 vehicles during the collapse estimated to be carrying 160 people. This collapse was unexpected and the immediate task at that moment, w as to rescue the people in the bridge, some of whom had fallen into the water and others trapped in their vehicles. To add insult to injury, some of the vehicles had caught fire making firefighting to be the first priority action. All local officials from the state after training together, worked together in stopping the fire, rescuing people in the water and rushing all the injured to hospitals. Definitely, this event was a test of their ability to successful tackle such a tragedy. However, there were many challenges and hindrances due to the steep river banks, difficulty of access due to the already collapsed bridge and other constant risks (Rabins et al 188). 2) I-35W Bridge Maintenance and Construction I-35W Bridge across the Mississippi River was official opened to traffic in the year 1967. According to Rabins et al, the bridge had a capacity of up to 140,000 daily vehicles on traffic between the Washington Avenue and the University Avenue, and was inspected every year from the year 1993 (236). The bridge was rated at 4 on a scale of 0 to 9 showing that, it was fit for transportation although there was need for monitoring and repair. Despite the bridge being rated as deficient, it did not definitely imply that it would collapse at any time, but there was a need for maintenance. According to the book â€Å"Bridge management systems for transportation agency decision making† the resolution made was to invest more resource in bridge maintenance to prevent such occurrences in the future. 3) Emergency Assistance after the Collapsed Bridge The U.S Fire Administration says that, there was a chaotic event after the responders arrived at the scene of the collapsed bridge (24). The collapsed structure brought various casualties such as people trapped in their vehicle and in the bridge debris; the injured and the dead people at the scene; the fire from some vehicles and water rescue situations. In addition to that, these respondents were not sure of the cause of the tragedy. They did not know whether it was a terror attack or an infrastructure failure. There was greater risk of a secondary collapse of the bridge, which could worsen the tragedy and paralyze rescue operations. As a result of these risks, the first priority was the fire department to stop the fire. At the same time, the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) was responsible of rescuing